About Brian Dinning
Growing up in the rural coal-mining country in the Appalachian Mountains of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Brian Dinning was born into a coal mining family, from his grandfather, a mining superintendent, to his father, who owned a large metallurgical coal mine. To help curb the fossil fuel and carbon footprint of his family business, Dr. Dinning worked on Section 29 tax credit projects for alternate fuel from coal, clean coal technology projects, and carbon sequestration research.
Finally, Brian Dinning convinced his family to sell their mining interests to a large US steel company that has employed sustainability and a vertically-integrated structure. His family is now focused on a new solar project at two organic farms (apples and maple syrup) that his family has acquired.
Having an uncle who was a missionary in Africa for 40 years, Brian Dinning visited South Africa in 1984 during Apartheid. Apartheid was a system put into place in South Africa that institutionalized racial segregation. This trip deeply impacted Dr. Dinning and changed the trajectory of his life.
From 1992 to 1994, Brian Dinning was asked to research and draft a legal treatise entitled “Partnerships and Joint Ventures Involving Tax-Exempt Organizations” by Michael I. Sanders. Mr. Sanders was a professor at Georgetown. Dr. Dinning was honored to work on the precursor to social impact, PRI projects, environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), and social ventures between nonprofit and for-profit entities.
In 1994, Brian Dinning worked with John Coors and CoorTek on solar energy water pumping and rural electrification projects in Africa. He transitioned into social impact and collective impact projects, including charitable joint ventures in Africa. With over 20 years in social entrepreneurship, microfinance, and microenterprise, Dr. Dinning’s experience is extensive and significant.
Brian Dinning also has an extensive educational background. He graduated from the Regent University School of Law in 1990. He went on to attend the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington DC, earning an LLM in Taxation. He also holds a Th.D. in Theology from Christian Leadership University, as well as an M.H.D. in Herbal Medicine and a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine from the Kingdom College of Natural Health.
After years of working in the medical field, Brian decided to pursue a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine. His goal was to learn more about the various aspects of healthy living, such as aging, nutrition, and natural wellness. He was able to gain a deeper understanding of the multiple facets of herbal medicine.
Through his studies and life events, Brian became a conservationist who values the importance of sustainable practices. He has been able to work as a consultant and lawyer in various sustainability initiatives.
Over the course of his career, Brian has been able to establish over a thousand nonprofit and business entities in the U.S. This has allowed him to influence the sustainability efforts of these organizations as they were in their early stages of development. His ability to think critically and creatively has also impacted his relationships with his clients.
As a lawyer and consultant, Brian Dinning has worked for over 20 years in ESG, sustainability initiatives, social and collective impact projects, nonprofits, and B Corps. He has also worked with a variety of charities and businesses to promote sustainability in corporate culture, vision, strategy, team-building, supply chain, logistics, scalability, and finance. With a passion for sustainability and conservation, Brian Dinning is visionary, hard-working, creative, and employs logical thinking in consulting and business structuring.
Additionally, Brian Dinning is a passionate wildlife conservationist and has been working for over 20 years to save wildlife in Africa. He is currently writing a book on social impact, impact investing, and ESG, along with several books on natural wellness and anti-aging. Dr. Dinning is also becoming a licensed pastor and will be publishing several articles in books on theology.