In today’s world, many bad things happen in the workplace. Although we despise the perpetrators, these events are not rare. The incidents, such as the shooting at the White House and the attack on the Navy shipyards, are just some examples of how these events can happen. Besides these, other factors, such as natural disasters, can also affect the safety of your team.

Even though most people never think that they will ever experience such an incident, as a leader, you are still responsible for the safety and security of your team. Here are seven crucial factors you should consider when it comes to being a safe leader.

  1. Be Aware of the Reality

A violent act in the workplace can happen at any time. A perpetrator can be a stranger or someone you know. Denial is the riskiest strategy. After a distressing incident, many people often say they could never imagine how it would happen in their workplace.

  1. Teach Awareness

Suspects use the element of surprise to carry out their crimes. Being aware of unusual or suspicious behavior can help you increase the odds of being successful. Be assertive and polite if you are not afraid to report or inquire about something.

  1. Get Expert Advice

Government agencies and private organizations can also provide advice and training. You can also find an expert in workplace safety in your community. This individual can help you identify the best strategies to improve your team’s security.

  1. Make A Plan

Every employee should have a written plan of action, whether an emergency such as a natural disaster or a violent act, which should be included in your procedures and policies. You should also consult your legal counsel about this plan.

  1. Make Sure to Do The Drills

Besides having a plan, it’s also crucial that you regularly practice implementing it. This can be done by holding regular drills to help your employees know what to do in an emergency.

  1. Find Leaders

A captain can also be a key component of your team’s safety and security. This individual should be able to coordinate and take on additional responsibilities in the event of an emergency.

  1. Provide Self-Defense 

An option is to provide access to self-defense or training classes. Making employees able to defend themselves if an incident were to occur. An alarm system is also an employee perk that can save a life. It should be purchased immediately following a break-in. Being ahead of the game will allow you to do what needs to be done to ensure the safety of your team.